cac0fae8c8f092b7d7e32f10d5d4e9c220d2969b My Health Is My Life: What You Need To Know About Caring For Leather Goods

What You Need To Know About Caring For Leather Goods

By Anna Patterson

When you add a genuine leather item to your accessory collection or wardrobe chances are you will want to make sure it will look as good as possible for as long as possible. Learning how to care for and clean your leather goods is not difficult but you do need to keep a few key steps in mind. Here are tips and tricks that you can use to make sure your items look beautiful and feel great even if you choose to wear or use them on a regular basis.

You may think that all types of leather are created equal but this is not the case. Some hides are thinner than others or may have texture to them that makes them more complex to deal with. For example, suede can be challenging because of the surface texture that is inherent with this material. The way you would care for this material is going to be very different than if you were dealing with cowhide or lambskin.

While you may think that leather is very durable it actually needs some care to keep it looking great. If a piece of hide is not oiled and conditioned regularly it will slowly dry out over time. When this happens you will usually see cracks forming. The surface can often flake off and the piece may even become brittle enough to snap. If you have paid quite a bit of money for it you will want to prevent this from happening.

You may want to look on the item that you have purchased in order to learn what specific instructions you may need to follow. If there are none it may also be a good idea to speak to the salesperson you bought the item from. Ask which products will work best for cleaning or for moisturizing. Then you can be confident you are not using something that will harm the hide.

You should also consider what kind of item you are caring for. The type of item it is as well as the conditions it is being used in will also affect how you are looking after it. For example, a pair of shoes or boots will need a different level of care than you would give to a purse or other item that is rarely used and not exposed to dirt or moisture.

Dirt can cause a number of problems for leather items. Grit can scratch the surface and oily substances can cause discolored areas. If you are dealing with mud you may be further ahead to allow the mud to dry before brushing it off the surface. Sometimes mud can smear or spread and this can be frustrating and time consuming to deal with. If you have put ink on your garment or item however you should try and blot it off and then use a product that is specially designed to get ink out so that it does not stain the surface permanently.

Cleaners can be great but the soap can end up drying out the hide. A proper cleanser will be less likely to do so. If you are using a cleaner you should think about trying it on the inside of the item. Some can cause colors to fade or lighten a bit so you want to make sure that if that happens you do not end up putting it all over your garment.

Conditioning and protecting your item should be your last two steps. Conditioning re-introduces moisture back into the hide and protective products will help prevent further damage from occurring. You can then wear your garment or use your accessory without worrying that it will suffer further damage.

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