cac0fae8c8f092b7d7e32f10d5d4e9c220d2969b My Health Is My Life: General Techniques People Use When Building A Geodesic Dome Greenhouse

General Techniques People Use When Building A Geodesic Dome Greenhouse

By Patrick James

It is a well known fact that people as a whole enjoy raising their own gardens. There is something special about planting your seed in the earth and a few months later eating the fruits of your labor. In some colder climates people are recently rediscovering the benefits of greenhouses to help extend the growing period. Knowing the assorted construction methods for building a simple geodesic dome greenhouse may be beneficial should you try to build one.

After deciding on building one generally the following question is regarding how are they built or what materials can I use. There is not a simple answer to these questions. There are several different methods people use that will range from quite inexpensive materials which go up in about a day, to much more expensive materials which take longer to build. There are also prefabricated models which you can find on the internet that have everything cut and marked to build.

Some people like the inexpensive flattened conduit method. It is probably the easiest. You flatten out the ends of metal tubing you buy at the store. Then you drill a hole at both ends for a bolt to go through and bend it just a little. After construction it is generally covered with light weight plastic. Domes like this can generally go up in under a day.

Some prefer the tube and hub methods. With this one rather than bolting together the flattened pipes, a larger diameter pipe with holes drilled into it. The studs are bolted to the larger pipe instead of each other. Afterwards it is completely covered with a light weight plastic. Generally this is slightly stronger while still being affordable.

Some people use the hub and beam method. This method is somewhat complex and costly because it involves using specially pre-cut hubs and beams that someone connects to form the framework for the dome. Most permanent domes are constructed in this manner.

One of the more expensive ways is the paneled timber framed methods. This is generally the method that most prefab companies use that you can find on the internet. This way uses pre-cut wooden timbers that are made to connect smoothly along the edges. They also generally have some outside material attached to them to help make them stronger.

One of the longest lasting and strongest forms is called the monolithic dome. These have been known to out live many house built next to them. They are generally built with layers of concrete sprayed over balloon forms. They use sprayed polyurethane foam on their interior to help insulate and water proof them. After it all dries all the windows and doors are installed in them.

You do not have to use just one technique for building a geodesic dome greenhouse. By understanding how each form is used there is the possibility of combining a little from each to make something that works for you. Remember that they are not just for greenhouses, they make great sun rooms to hang out in as well.

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